السلام عليكم
اقدم لكم :
برنامج فتح اكثر من ايميل ياهو بنفس الوقت
Yahoo! Multi Messenger v8
يمكنك من خلاله ان تفتح عده حسابات ياهو في نفس الوقت بدون اي مشاكل
او تقطيع
كل ما عليك هو ان تفتح برنامج : Yahoo! Multi Messenger
ثم تضغط على : Enable YMulti" button.
ويمكنك الان الدخول لعده حسابات بنفس الوقت
بدون مشاكل او عقبات
البرنامج عباره عن باتش للقيام بهذه العمليه
وصف للبرنامج :
Yahoo! Multi Messenger is a special patch for Yahoo! Messenger that enables you to run multiple instances of this popular IM client.
With the standard configuration, Yahoo! Messenger! only allows you to run one instance of the program. Yahoo! Multi Messenger gets rid of that limitation by patching the program in a very easy way. All you need to do is run the Yahoo! Multi Messenger file and click the "Enable YMulti" button.
From that moment on, you’ll be able to open as many instances of Yahoo! Messenger as you need, and log in to different Yahoo! Messenger accounts at the same time.
Yahoo! Multi Messenger can detec whether you have already applied the patch before, and also lets you disable the multi-instance functionality if you want to. On the downside, it doesn’t work with older versions of Yahoo! Messenger (lower than version 8).
Yahoo! Multi Messenger is a very simple patch that allows you to run multiple instances of Yahoo! Messenger at the same time.
صور من البرنامج :



لتحميل البرنامج :
بحجم 312 kb
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