السلام عليكم
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BurnAware Free 4.4
لنسخ وحرق الاسطوانات ديفيدي وسي دي وبلو راي
برنامج سهل وبسيط ويتميز بواجهه رائعه
يمكنك من خلاله نسخ ملفات iso ذاتيه الاقلاع
او نسخ اسطوانات داتا او اوديو لتشغيلها على mp3
ونقل وتعديل الملفات
نسخ فيديو وملفات صوت وعمل اسطوانات افلام
لمشاهدتها على اي مشغل افلام dvd or blue ray
يتميز بواجهه رائعه ومبسطه ومنظمه لاقسام
وصف انجليزي :
BurnAware starts up with a well-designed wizard style interface that lets you select the appropriate recording task. You can choose between data and music discs, as well as DVD videos and ISO files. In all cases you may choose files and folders from BurnAware itself or simply drag and drop files onto its interface. Also, notice the drop-down menu on the bottom bar, from which you can select the target size: CD, DVD, double-layered DVD and Blu-Ray.BurnAware includes all the classic settings in a burning tool: support for multisession, a rewritable disc erasing tool and writing simulation among others, but lacks a more advanced configuration menu that enabled, for example, tweaking recorder settings to take full advantage of each disc's space. That said, it's an easy-to-use, straightforward tool that supports all the burning tasks that the average user will need.BurnAware is a basic, yet effective burning tool for data, video and music discs that supports Blu-Ray.
صور من البرنامج :







لتحميل البرنامج :
بحجم : 4.30 Mb
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