السلام عليكم
اقدم لكم
البرنامج الاقوى والاول عالميا في حجب المواقع الاباحيه وحمايه اطفالك
باخر اصدار
ببساطه كثير من العائلات تحتاجه وبشده
وايضا مقاهي الانترنت
ف الانترنت الان مفتوح وسهوله الوصول لاي شيئ اصبحت شيئ عادي
اقدم لكم البرنامج الاقوى والاروع في حمايه الاطفال وحجب المواقع الاباحيه
والمسيئه واللتي تضر اطفالك ممن هم اقل من 18 عام
البرنامج قادر على التعامل والتوافق مع العديد من المتصفحات مثل :
Internet Explorer, FirFox, Chrome, Opera, Netscape
والعديد , ايضا البرنامج ليس مخصص فقط للمواقع الاباحيه ف يمكنك حجب اي مواقع
او اي نوع من المواقع مثل الالعاب العنيفه والشات وغيره
بجانب انه يمكنك التحكم ف البرنامج تحكم كامل بعده لغات
يمكنك من خلاله وضع باسوورد مخصص لمن يمكن له الدخول على الانترنت ومن ليس مسموح له تمنعه
برنامج راااااااائع ويستحق التجربه باحدث اصداراته
وصف انجليزي للبرنامج من الشركه المصنعه :
Anti-Porn parental controls -- A very powerful and effective software to protect children from porn web . Anti-Porn filters out adult web sites, which with objects not fit for children, and even filters out chats when offensive and predatory language is used. Anti-Porn can work with all kinds of web browsers, such as Internet Explorer, FirFox, Chrome, Opera, Netscape and so on. Anti-Porn can filter out porn/force/game/chat websites and softwares with a high anti-rate over 99%.Anti-Porn has Multinational-language filtering, Web sites whitelist, Web sites blacklist, keywords blacklist, Internet-usage time control, Game contral and more good features.Anti-Porn uses special technology to anti-uninstall. Anti-Porn keeps a complete log of all web sites visited, filtered out or not, and keeps the track of all material emerged on computer, including files, images, music, and so on. You can have the inventory of your kid's computer history.On the other hand, adults, who with password, can surf internet unlimitedly.Anti-Porn is your first selection for Internet purification. Anti-Porn can auto filter out ten thousands of porn web sites and you can also easily add in the web sites which you don't want children to see. Besides, Anti-Porn filters out internet material by blocking some predatory word, and you can predefine special words, then, children can not see any internet material with those words. Anti-Porn keeps a complete log of all web sites visited, filtered out or not, and keeps the track of all material emerged on computer, including files, images, music, and so on. You can have the inventory of your kid's computer history. Anti-Porn has been a net filter for your children.On the other hand, adults, who with password, can surf internet unlimitedly. Limit internet access by day and time - You can easily assign internet access time at certain hours, even on specific day. Limit internet chat - Anti-Porn can limit much popular chatting softwares and websites.
What's new in this version: Version Improved Anti-Porn's compatibility. Optimized filter algorithm. Optimized the Arab's keywords.
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لتحميل البرنامج
بحجم : 3.22MB
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