السلام عليكم
اقدم احدث نسخه من برنامج تعديل ملفات الميديا باخر اصدار
اقدم احدث نسخه من برنامج تعديل ملفات الميديا باخر اصدار
TagScanner Portable 5.1.605
البرنامج مهمته الاساسيه تغيير معلومات جميع ملفات الام بي ثري
ووضع حقوق عليها
والكثير من المميزات
لكن ما الاهم في البرنامج ؟
انه اولا نسخه محموله لا تحتاج لتنصيب
بجانب انه بامكانك تعديل مئات الملفات في نفس الوقت
بدون عناء وجهد
لازاله او وضع حقوق عليها
معلومات بالانجليزيه عن البرنامج :
TagScanner is a multifunction program for organizing and managing your music collection. It can edit tags of mostly state-of-the-art audio formats, rename files based on the tag information, generate tag information from filenames, and perform any transformations of the text from tags and filenames.Also you may get album info via online databases like freedb or Amazon. Supports ID3v1, ID3v2, Vorbis comments, APEv2, WindowsMedia and MP4(iTunes ) tags. Powerful TAG editor with batch functions and special features. Playlist maker with ability to export playlists to HTML or Excel. Easy-to-use interface. Built-in player.Features:
- Rename files based on the tag and file information
- Powerful multiple files tag editor
- Import tag information from an online databases like freedb or Amazon
- Manual text-search for information in freedb
- Generate tag information from file/foldernames
- Words replacement and case conversion from tags and filenames
- Full support for Unicode
- Supports MP3, OGG, Musepack, Monkey´s Audio, FLAC, AAC, OptimFROG, SPEEX, WavePack, TrueAudio, WMA, MP4 files
- Supports ID3 1.0/1.1/2.2/2.3/2.4 tags, APE v1 and v2 tags, Vorbis Comments, WMA tags and MP4(iTunes) metadata
- Supports for embedded lyrics and cover art
- TAGs versions conversions
- Playlists editor
- Playlists export to HTML, Excel and CSV(e.g. for MySQL)
- Multilanguage interface
- Built-in multiformat player
What´s New in version 5.1.605:
- New: Volume control for built-in player
- New: Placeholder '_filedate_rfc' for date and time of file in internet (rfc822) format
- Improved: Quick preview of full-sized album covers in tag editor
- Improved: Placeholders are reorganized
- Fixed: Processing of conditional sections
- Fixed: Processing of mixed-case strings with non-latin chars in transform scripts and filter
- Some parts of interface have become more friendly to systems with increased DPI
- Updated sound engine, fixed problems with running on remote desktop
- Reverted back internal rules for transform scripts to prior 5.1.602 state
- Translations: Chinese Simplified, Polish
صور من البرنامج :
لتحميل البرنامج مجاني
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